Radio Appearances
Karen has appeated on several radio programs, both live in-studio and also as a call in. Karen's voice "cuts through the clutter with compassion and understanding and each time she has appeared, the call-in response was outstanding.
Is your station haunted?
In Hartford, CT, Karen detected a ghost in the station before her appearance at WCCC with Zuko, Picozzi and Miss Klonk and she spoke with them about it. It's not as if they didn't suspect that something was up. strange things had been happening at the station for years, which was perfect for an October appearance by Karen. Find out more…
Is there something you want promoted?
Jammin' 107.7 does an annual promotion of a "haunted house" that draws many visitors from costal Connecticut near New London. The station hosted Karen and paranormal investigator Kurt Knapp of the Ghosts of New England Research Society to talk about their paranormal investigations and to help promote the Dark Manor "haunted house." While on the show, Karen did telephone readings with callers live. Find out more…
Karen is able to investigate dreams as well
Karen appeared on Laura Rose's Discovering Nature's Spirit show on Blogtalk Radio and interpreted dreams live while the show was airing. Karen gave instructions on dream interpretation and showed listeners and the caller how to use the Tarot to interpret dreams and better understand what is going on. Karen reads on a wide variety of subjects and can provide listeners with the kind of information that makes sense in light of the lives they are leading. Find out more…
Being the "Bridge between Evidence and Explanation!"
Karen appeared on "we Don't Die Radio, hosted by Sandra Champlain on March 8, 2017. This top-ranked show is listened to nationwide and provides insights into life after death. Find out more…