Karen Hollis' Policies
For Readings

The Readings By Karen Guarantee
You are paying Karen to be psychic, and she is a very capable and competent reader. If Karen cannot read you for any reason, or if you find that your reading is not accurate, you must stop the reading within the first five minutes by telling Karen, and you will NOT PAY for the Reading. This happens very rarely. If you cannot be read there are no hard feelings. Disappointment perhaps, but not a problem. Keep in mind that if Karen cannot read you once she will not try to read you again. Karen does not seek to predict death or illness. Her readings are geared to allow you to achieve the best, highest outcomes in your life.
Please do not wear cologne or perfume to your reading.
One of the senses that Karen uses for mediumship is the sense of smell. Many times images, scents and scenes will come to her from someone who has passed on and who has a message for you and that connection is tenuous. If you are wearing a strong scent, it will tend to interfere with your reading and reduce the accuracy. Heavy and cloying scents reduce the quality of your reading and Karen stongly recommends that you wear no cologne or perfume for that reason.
Making an appointment for a reading by Karen is as simple as picking up your phone and calling 860-665-8024 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time. Messages are almost always returned within one day and the phone is frequently answered in the strictest confidence by Karen's husband, Mark.
Karen understands that you may have a healthy dose of skepticism about what she does for a living. She is asking for the courtesy of allowing her to prove to you, through her God Given Gift, that she is for real. Karen has a high standard of integrity and honesty that she follows with her clients. Neither Karen, nor her husband Mark, have time for clients who want to begin their business relationship with "Readings By Karen" on a duplicitous note. You can either trust that we would never look anyone up on Google, or you can take your business elsewhere as Karen is not your Psychic/Medium. Karen is very clear about clients who LIE to her when booking appointments. They will be asked kindly to leave her office. Karen does not tolerate LIES. She will never lie to you and she expects that same honesty from you. Rest assured that the psychic information she will provide you with cannot be found on the internet!
To guarantee a time when Karen can focus on your concerns, that is at your convenience, and that is in keeping with the demands of Karen's schedule we insist that appointments be made in advance of the readings. If you are booking an appointment by phone or in her office, you will be asked for a credit card to hold your time available. That credit card will be charged if you do not show up for your appointment or you do not confirm your appointment the day before. Reminder texts for appointments at Karen's office are generally sent a day in advance of the reading. Responding to the text message to confirm an appointment is required. Karen reserves the right to cancel any appointment without notice for anyone who is not reachable by text message.

If you have a reading at a particular time, it is your responsibility to get to that appointment on time. Readings will not be pro-rated due to tardiness. Karen's readings are (50) minutes in duration with (10) minutes set aside for completing your sales transaction and final goodbyes. If you have many more questions that need to be answered, in the session you have booked, you are encouraged to make another appointment at your convenience.
By having (50) minute hours, Karen can ensure that she is running as "on time" as possible. She is aware that your time is precious. If you are late, then Karen's schedule is thrown off for the day as is yours. If Karen is running late, for any reason, we will do our utmost to call you and let you know so that you are not inconvenienced. Karen understands that strong emotions may be brought up during her readings. The amount of time that Karen spends with you is at Karen's discretion.
If anyone is acting inappropriately in Karen's office, they will kindly be asked to leave.
Karen does not book appointments or readings with persons under the age of 18.
Your appointment is for you
Karen does not do "family readings" with you, or one or several family members present in one session. For couples, Karen does offer a Couples' Reading, which you can find out about here…
If you are booking a "Bring-a-friend" appointment, you must book both readings when you initially book. Karen reads a set number of clients in her day and paces her readings accordingly to conserve her energy based on her appointment calendar for that day. Please do not ask Karen to "split your hour" between yourself and another person after you have already arrived for your appointment. This is not appropriate and will be refused. You may bring a friend and have your friend wait for you in Karen's waiting room if you so desire. If you wish to schedule your friend in advance, you may be entitled to a discount. If your friend does not show up, you do not get to keep the discount.
Cancellations and missed appointments
We know that things do come up at the last minute, be they emergencies, a need to reschedule, relatives drop in unannounced, someone you are caring for has a medical emergency, etc. Karen plans her day around service to you and others who wish to get a reading and if you have booked your reading in advance, you need to understand that there are others who were turned away for the time you had booked with Karen. Some people wait up to two weeks to get an appointment at a time that is convenient for them. If you cancel within 48 hours of your scheduled reading, we may well be able to book someone in who calls at the last minute, but chances are that we won't. Because Karen's time does have value and your time has value, you may be charged for the time missed. Karen reserves the right to refuse to reschedule a client who abuses her schedule. If you have a gift certificate, you forfeit that certificate if you do not show up or adhere to Karen's cancellation policy.

Don't get listed on the Wall-Of-Shame
Customers who cancel or don't show up for their appointments go on a late cancellations list that is kept up-to-date. They will not be able to book another appointment with Karen without reserving their time with a credit card. This means that a second last-minute cancellation may be reflected by a bill to that credit card. People who do not call to cancel their appointments may be charged for the time they missed. If you don't want to see a charge on your credit card, please don't miss your appointment.
If you miss your appointment by more than 10 minutes, Karen reserves the right to accept a "walk-in" client if one shows up without an appointment.
You may not change an in-person reading in Karen's office into a telephone appointment. Karen does not have a telephone in her office for telephone readings.
If you cannot keep appointments you make, or are chronically late for appointments, then Karen is not the right Psychic Medium for you.
If you are a convicted felon and serving time currently, Karen is not your Psychic Medium.

If you are booking a reading and are expecting or hoping for mediumship, please let us know when you book. When Karen is doing one of her Demonstrations of Mediumship, at an event, she knows that everyone in the audience is seeking to hear from a dead relative or friend. Karen does many things in her office, like palmistry and card reading. Mediumship requires a different level of energy than psychic work, and Karen only does so many mediumistic readings per day. If you are looking for mediumship, please read this page.
Karen does not guarantee that your loved one will communicate with her on demand, and the length of the message is up to God. There are many factors that play a part, including length of time since your loved one has passed away, your level of grief, (so please do not book the minute a loved one passes on). It is only through the Grace of God that Karen is allowed to communicate with those who have passed over. Please inform Karen at the beginning of your appointment, that you want mediumship. Karen will attempt to do what she calls "targeted mediumship" by utilizing your loved one's first name and D.O.B. It is not necessary for you to bring a photo or object for Karen to see. For more on mediumship, please see Karen's Mediumship page.
Karen will not promise Mediumship over the telephone.
Snow Days and Weather Emergencies
Karen reads in her office on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. If snow or a weather emergency will be closing down many businesses, Karen will move readings to accomodate clients for a day where snow needs to be cleared or if weather has closed highways. Thus, if your appointment is for 10:30 AM on Saturday, you will be moved to 10:30 AM on the next day, which is Sunday, unless you notify her otherwise. Monday appointments will be moved to Wednesday. Thus, if we are "snowed in" on a Thursday, simply plan to come on Friday at the same time you had booked for Thursday. We will, of course, make every effort to contact you and to reconfirm your reading time.
If the Middletown schools and town offices are closed for a weather emergency, Karen's office will be closed as well. Every effort will be made to call you and remind you of that, so please check your messages. A school delay is not the same as a closing. Karen will be at her office on a school delay.

New Clients
If you come to Karen's office you will be asked to fill out a "new client form," which will be in Karen's waiting room on your arrival. If you book a telephone reading, we will request payment and address information in advance from you. If you book more than one hour, (with a friend or several friends), we will ask you for payment and address information to book your appointment in Karen's office. This information is not shared with anyone, sold to anyone or used in any way to determine what's in your future or past. We will occasionally send mail and/or email to our regular clients to tell them about special offers, and we use the information provided by you to book your readings more efficiently. If you refuse to give Karen this information, Karen reserves the right to not read for you. Karen's company is a business that is duly registered with the State of Connecticut and the town of Newington, and Karen is a reputable professional. You do not have to receive correspondence from Karen, but you do have to fill out the new client form. If there is an issue receiving correspondence, simply tell Karen "no correspondence, please." She will honor your wish to not receive any promotional material on her services.
Confirmation of your appointment
If you are a new client and have booked an appointment in Karen's office, we will text you the day before your reading to remind you of your appointment and will ask you to confirm via text. If you do not have a cell phone that can receive text messages, please let us know and we will call you. If you do not confirm your appointment by the end of the business day, Karen reserves the right to book someone else, take a walk-in client or call people on her waiting list to take your appointment. If you show up anyway, she will not read for you if she has arranged to replace you.
If you are a new client and you have booked more than one session (if you have booked for one or more friend or a family member as well as yourself) and you do not confirm, Karen will charge the card we have on file for all appointments you have made on the night before your appointments. If she cannot charge the card the night before, you will be taken out of her schedule.
Existing clients do not have to confirm their appointments but Karen may charge you for all appointments that did not show if you have booked more than one session.

Readings by Telephone
Phone Readings are scheduled in advance just like "in-person" readings. Phone readings are scheduled for one-hour sessons only and are done on Tuesdays. Please call 860-665-8024 to schedule a telephone reading. All phone readings are paid for by credit card. Karen will charge your credit card just before the reading and we ask for your address and credit card number in advance so that it will save your and Karen's time. Phone readings are equally as accurate as "in-person" readings. There is no "magic" in touching the cards, although Karen loves to meet her clients in person when time and distance allow.
All readings will require a credit card to reserve your time. Because many of Karen's clients wait for a month or more for a consultation, if you do not cancel 48 hours in advance of your reading, except for in extreme circumstances, you will be charged for the time Karen set aside in her schedule for you.
Missing Animals:
Karen is a very accurate remote viewer, and although she loves animals, she does not remote view missing animals. If you need to find a missing animal, please call on a psychic that specializes in animal communication. Thank you for your understanding.
Recording of Readings:
Karen does not allow her sessions with you to be recorded. She understands that for many people in her profession this has been allowed in the past, but times have changed and your reading is held in strict confidence. Were a session to be recorded and to get into the hands of others, it would jeopardize the client confidentiality that Karen so dearly values. For a reading in her office, Karen offers pads and pens to take notes with and you may ask her to repeat anything you need to make note of. Please do not ask Karen if you can record! Thank you for your understanding.
Methods of Acceptable payment:
Readings are $150 per session.
Karen accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and cash in the office. Karen offers a cash discount of $10. Karen does not accept personal checks. By phone, Karen accepts Visa, Mastercard and Discover for her 50-minute appointments only. She will not charge your credit card until the date of your appointment. Call Readings By Karen at 860-665-8024 between 9:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time to make an appointment.
Fictitious or fraudulent credit cards given to reserve time or as payment to Karen for service will result in legal action by Karen's attorney and the proper authorities. If you are paying by credit card, please be responsible and honest and submit a correct and working credit card number in return for Karen's services. Karen reserves the right to not read for those who violate these policies. Unless you have not stopped the appointment for a reading within the first five minutes, Karen will assume that you will pay for your appointment and there will be no refunds of your fee, whether by credit card or cash payment. This includes mediumship, as well.

For Classes
Karen offers a variety of classes, including classes in understanding and learning to read the Tarot, at both the beginner and advanced levels. Both her "Beginner Tarot" class and her advanced Tarot class entitled "The Fools Journey & The Tree of Life" are being developed at this time for future online learning format for downloading. You may take these classes now in person at her office in Newington, CT. Please click on the link for future classes.
Karen also offers classes on how to use your unique ability to manifest the good things that you desire in your life. This class is called "Manifest a Miracle - Make a Magic Candle." Karen purports that candles have been used for many years to send "prayers" to the divine for intercession, and that you can harness this "magick" for yourself for the good. Keep an eye on Karen's classes page for future classes!
For those who are interested in taking a class on how to speak with those who have "crossed-over," Karen recommends her class on Mediumship. She will work with you to understand how the communication works and the dedication that it takes to make this seemingly impossible communication a reality.
If you are interested in taking a class, please call 860-665-8024 and indicate your interest. At that time you will be asked for a credit card to reserve your spot in the class. Karen's class sizes are limited, so you may expect to be charged in full upon the completion of the first class unless you make other arrangements with Karen.
You may pay for a class with the credit card or debit card you used to reserve the class or you may pay in cash. Payment is due at the first class in the series unless you have made other arrangements with Karen. Payment arrangements are available, but all classes in an (7) class series need to be paid in full by the (3rd) class.
It is anticipated that you will show up for the entire course that Karen is teaching and that, if you need directions you will use this website to ensure that you get to class on time. Karen will start classes at the scheduled time and will not wait for a student who is running late to be fair to those who are on time. Once you have received materials for a class, the fees are not refundable.